Blueprint Information
Collision object requires Wall.Climb
component tag combined with ClimbTriggerSpawner
. Position and Rotate so arrow looks at your climbable object.
Surface Types
Component Tag | Function |
TerrainType.IceSkate | Spyro 2 Ice Skating |
TerrainType.IceSkate.Spyro3 | Spyro 3 Ice Skating |
Wall.Climb | Makes surface wall climbable, use with ClimbTriggerSpawner |
TerrainType.SlideDown | Ramp Slide Spyro 3 |
TerrainType.SlideOff | Sliding down from a platform rotating |
TerrainType.SlideOff.Belly | Sliding down from a platform on his belly |
Crash | Crashes Skateboard? Unsure |
Ramp Tags
Actor Tag | Jump Impulse How far you will be thrown |
Angle How the ramp is angled |
Height Max height you can reach with this ramp |
Comment |
LaunchRamp | 200 | 30 | 50 | Regular ramp type with average launch speed. |
LaunchRamp_LS312_FlatGround | 217.5 | 0 | 50 | Flat ramp, Small boost pad when jumping. [Enchanted Towers] |
LaunchRamp_LS320_FlatGround | 270 | 0 | 50 | Gives slightly more boost then "LaunchRamp_LS312_FlatGround". [Lost Fleet] |
LaunchRamp_Low | 100 | 30 | 50 | Low sized ramp for short jumps. |
LaunchRamp_Med | 200 | 30 | 100 | Average sized ramp for normal jumps. |
LaunchRamp_Large | 400 | 40 | 150 | Large sized ramp for making longer jumps. |
LaunchRamp_Uber | 1500 | 50 | 500 | Extreme Uber sized ramp for making jumps across the world |
LaunchRamp_302_001 | 325 | 30 | 25 | Specific: Sunny Villa |
LaunchRamp_302_003 | 250 | 45 | 0 | Specific: Sunny Villa |
LaunchRamp_302_004 | 400 | 50 | 0 | Specific: Sunny Villa |
LaunchRamp_302_005 | 250 | 45 | 0 | Specific: Sunny Villa |
LaunchRamp_302_006 | 400 | 60 | 0 | Specific: Sunny Villa |
LaunchRamp_302_007 | 250 | 50 | 0 | Specific: Sunny Villa |
LaunchRamp_302_008 | 400 | 75 | 0 | Specific: Sunny Villa |
LaunchRamp_LS312_01 | 217.5 | 37.5 | 50 | Specific: Enchanted Towers |
LaunchRamp_LS312_02 | 400 | 62.5 | 50 | Specific: Enchanted Towers |
LaunchRamp_LS312_04 | 217.5 | 37.5 | 50 | Specific: Enchanted Towers |
LaunchRamp_LS312_05 | 217.5 | 37.5 | 50 | Specific: Enchanted Towers |
LaunchRamp_LS312_SkiJump | 217.5 | 37.5 | 50 | Blue launch ramp in enchanted towers that gives you a lot of air time to do tricks, Pressing jump will put you into a spinning state, Not jumping will launch you |
LaunchRamp_LS320_Default | 270 | 45 | 50 | Specific: Lost Fleet Ramp |
Ramp Types Showcase
Gameplay Effects
Name | Observed Effect |
GE_BasicDamage | Decrease One Hitpoint |
GE_BasicHeal | Increase One Hitpoint |
GE_HitReact_Standard | Lose Control |
GE_Invincibility | unknown |
GE_LevelTransition | unknown |
GE_OneHitKill | Die from one hit |
GE_Cutscene | unknown |
GE_SpyroFlightLevel | |
GE_CameraDisableUpdateVisibility.uasset | |
GE_CenterCamera.uasset | |
GE_CenterCameraHold.uasset | |
GE_DamageWaterImpairedInput.uasset | |
GE_ImmuneFireFront.uasset | |
GE_NoOrientRotationToMovement.uasset | |
GE_Spyro2IceSkating.uasset | Auto walks forward, can charge, might need an ice surface to play the animation forcing skating animation works |
GE_SpyroChargeGravity.uasset | |
GE_SpyroCharge_DisableFly.uasset | |
GE_SpyroClimbDisableJumpInput.uasset | |
GE_SpyroClimbing.uasset | Doesn't climb, really slow glide, walk, charging |
GE_SpyroClimbingDetach.uasset | |
GE_SpyroCrashAirDisableInput.uasset | |
GE_SpyroCrashing.uasset | |
GE_SpyroCustomProjectile.uasset | |
GE_SpyroDamageBossKnockUp.uasset | Can't jump and charge, nothing happens |
GE_SpyroDamageLavaKnockUp.uasset | |
GE_SpyroDamageRegionCharge.uasset | |
GE_SpyroDamageRegionSuperCharge.uasset | |
GE_SpyroDisableAllInput.uasset | |
GE_SpyroDisableAllInput_Invuln.uasset | |
GE_SpyroDisableChargeCrashInterval.uasset | |
GE_SpyroDisableChargeFromRoll.uasset | |
GE_SpyroDisableFaceBottom.uasset | |
GE_SpyroDisableFlyingModes.uasset | |
GE_SpyroDisableFreeLook.uasset | |
GE_SpyroDisableFreeLookAbilityOnly.uasset | |
GE_SpyroDisableGliding.uasset | Disables gliding |
GE_SpyroDisableGravity.uasset | |
GE_SpyroDisableLoot.uasset | |
GE_SpyroFlightCamAllowControl.uasset | |
GE_SpyroFlightCamVertRotation.uasset | |
GE_SpyroFlightDisableLoops.uasset | |
GE_SpyroFlightLevel.uasset | |
GE_SpyroFlightSpeedControl.uasset | |
GE_SpyroFlying.uasset | |
GE_SpyroFlyingFlapping.uasset | |
GE_SpyroFlyLoop.uasset | |
GE_SpyroFlySpeedBoost.uasset | |
GE_SpyroFly_DisableCharge.uasset | |
GE_SpyroGliding.uasset | |
GE_SpyroHeadBash.uasset | |
GE_SpyroHeadBashLand.uasset | |
GE_SpyroHover.uasset | |
GE_SpyroHoverDisableFlight.uasset | |
GE_SpyroHoverTank.uasset | |
GE_SpyroHoverTankBoss.uasset | |
GE_SpyroHoverTankBoss_KBM.uasset | |
GE_SpyroIceBreathEnabled.uasset | Ice spikes powerup |
GE_SpyroIceFireEnabled.uasset | Ice breath - Frozen Altars |
GE_SpyroIceSkating.uasset | |
GE_SpyroJumpGracePeriod.uasset | |
GE_SpyroJumpMushroom.uasset | |
GE_SpyroJumpNoGravity.uasset | |
GE_SpyroLedgeHover.uasset | |
GE_SpyroMantaRay.uasset | |
GE_SpyroMantaRayBoost_Spyro3.uasset | |
GE_SpyroMantaRayMovement_Spyro3.uasset | |
GE_SpyroMantaRay_Spyro3.uasset | |
GE_SpyroMicroGravity.uasset | |
GE_SpyroRageFireEnabled.uasset | Fairy Kiss breath |
GE_SpyroSaucerRide.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSaucerRideBoss.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSideRolling.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSlideDown.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSlideDownFall.uasset | Sliding down on ice |
GE_SpyroSlidingOff.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSpeedControl.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSpitItem.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSubmarineRide.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSuperChargeAltForceOn.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSuperChargeEnableAlt.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSuperChargeEnabled.uasset | Enable supercharge (3 stage) |
GE_SpyroSuperChargeForceOn.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSuperChargeGate.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSuperChargeJumpAssistEnabled.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSuperChargeRampFail.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSuperChargeStageAlt.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSuperChargeStageOne.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSuperChargeStageThree.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSuperChargeStageTwo.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSuperCharging.uasset | Only effects show, charge speed same |
GE_SpyroSuperFireEnabled.uasset | Superflame |
GE_SpyroSuperFlyEnabled.uasset | Free Flight |
GE_SpyroSuperJumping.uasset | Increases jump height, makes Spyro move forward until jump |
GE_SpyroSwimcamCentering.uasset | Camera used in underwater |
GE_SpyroSwimFromHeadBash.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSwimmingDiving.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSwimmingSurface.uasset | |
GE_SpyroSwimmingUnderwater.uasset | Puts spyro in underwater state, allows swimming in physics volume, broken camera, use GE_SpyroSwimcamCentering for camera |
GE_SpyroTempDisableJumpStop.uasset | |
GE_SpyroTurretBoss.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_DamageTransientBossLevitate.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_DisableInput_SuperJumping.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_ChargeJumping.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_Charging.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_ChargingUnderwater.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_Jump.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_SuperChargeJumping.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_SuperChargeJumpingMax.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_SuperCharging_Alt.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_SuperCharging_S0.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_SuperCharging_S1.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_SuperCharging_S2.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_SuperCharging_S3.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_SuperJump.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_SwimmingTunnel.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_SwimmingTunnel332.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_Movement_SwimmingUnderwater.uasset | |
GE_Spyro_RapidFire.uasset | Holding left click does breathing animation continuesly but no fires come out |
GE_Spyro_RapidFiringState.uasset | |
GE_WhirlwindInteraction.uasset |
Simple usage for Gameplay Effects