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  • Unreal Engine 4.19.2

  • Modified texture you're going to replace

Steps By Step Importing A Texture To Unreal Engine

Todo Add images maybe?

  1. First step is Replicating The Game Structure For Unreal Engine ,

  2. Next import your texture to Unreal.

  3. Continuing from Replicating The Game Structure For Unreal Engine page, make sure you texture name and location is replicated correctly

  4. Cook Content For Windows.

  5. Pak File Creation and Replicating Game Structure In U4PAK

Known Texture Name Prefixes

_C is Color/Diffuse/Albedo
_M is Metallic
_F is Fuzziness Mask
_T is Translucency (for subsurface)
_N is Normal
_R is Roughness
_ARM is a composite map consisting of Ambient Occlusion, roughness and metallic on RGB channels respectively.
_ORM is a composite map consisting of Ambient Occlusion, roughness and metallic on RGB channels respectively.
* _Body_Mask is the mask used in most emissive (power up) textures

Texture Suffix Red Channel Purpose Green Channel Purpose Blue Channel Purpose Alpha Channel Purpose
_ARME Ambient Occlusion Roughness Metallic Emission
_ORM Ambient Occlusion Roughness Metallic N/A
_RMSE Roughness Metallic Speculars Emission

Editing Softwares

Alpha channels on textures used for a lot different purposes one example is Spyro's eye texture. Alpha channel of the eye texture is used for adding an eye glint. It is recommended to have a software that can edit or temporarily alpha channel.
